
The BHIO poster session was a lively one. All participants voted for the best posters. Winners were Jaime Redondo-Yuste, Marina de Amicis and Conor Dyson, all from NBI. The favourite online poster was that of João Santos, IST.
Please find below all the posters submitted to the Black Holes Inside and Out conference:

The Extended Mass Distribution in the Galactic Center

Studying the motion of S-stars around Sagittarius A* provides a unique opportunity to probe the gravitational potential near the supermassive black hole at the heart of our Galaxy...

Matteo Sadun Bordoni

Quantum impedance networks at the Planck scale

Impedance matching governs amplitude and phase of energy flow, of information transmission. Topological impedances (photon far-field, quantum Hall, Chern-Simons, Aharonov-Bohm, centrifugal, Coriolis, chiral, three-body,…)

Peter Cameron

Causality and gravitational EFTs

Low-energy effective field theories (EFTs) capture effects of UV completion with higher-dimension operators. GR is not UV complete, but can treat it as the leading-order EFT! Then, EFT corrections describe UV completion agnostically.

Calvin Chen

Theory-agnostic searches for non-gravitational modes in black hole ringdown

We propose a novel theory-agnostic ringdown test of gravity, wherein one searches for extra nongravitational modes in the ringdown signal emitted during the merger of two black holes.

Francesco Crescimbeni

Constraining EMDA gravity from QPOs

We study the role of EMDA gravity in explaining QPOs in black hole power density spectrum.

Anirban Dasgupta

Ringdown-inherited tails

What is the late-times signal, i.e. tail, of a binary black holes (BHs) merger, after the ringdown has decayed out of the strain?

Marina De Amicis

Hawking radiation in Lorentz violating gravity: a tale of two horizons

Black holes in Hořava gravity are defined through the notion of Universal Horizon

Francesco Del Porro

1PN Order at a Time

The Galactic Centre (GC) currently represents the best Laboratory for testing Einstein's Theory of General Relativity (GR) near Supermassive Black Holes (SMBH).

Diogo C. Ribeiro

Eccentric extreme-mass-ratio inspirals in accretion flows

EMRIs are a main scientific goal of the space-based, mHz-sensitive Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA).

Francisco Duque

Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals with Environments in Kerr

We take the first steps towards self-consistently modelling EMRIs in environments on top of the Kerr Geometry.

Connor Dyson

Signatures of accelerating black holes from the EHT prospects

The observations of the supermassive black holes M87⋆ and Sgr A⋆ by the Event Horizon Telescope present an unparalleled opportunity to scrutinize various theories of gravity while also unveiling crucial insights into the nature of black holes.

Hasan El Moumni

Electrically charged black hole solutions in semiclassical gravity

Goal: to compute quantum corrections of electrically charged black holes subject to vacuum polarization effects of fermion fields in QED

Evelyn-Andreea Ester

Observational black hole spectroscopy

Search for Higher Modes and Tests of the No-Air Hypothesis with a Nonlinear Ringdown Model

Vasco Gennari

Charged Instabilities of Extremal Black Holes

We have developed a code to evolve a charged scalar field in a Reissner-Nordstrom background...

Zack Gelles

Higher dimensional black holes as point particles

In the era of gravitational wave observatories and radio imaging of black holes, it is important to understand black holes as real, physical objects.

Daniel Glazer

Analogue black holes and quantum vortices

There are many black hole phenomena of interest: Hawking radiation, superradiance, quasinormal mode resonances. However, we cannot experimentally probe black holes in nature since they’re too far away nor can we produce black holes in a lab

Ansh Gupta

A new special property of Schwarzschild quasinormal modes

The merger of two black holes results in a gravitational wave signal that experiences a ringdown characteristic of any dissipative system. This portion of the signal is typically represented using a superposition of damped sinusoids...

Michelle Gurevich

Periapsis shift of a quasi-circular orbit in static spherically symmetric spacetimes

A lot of alternatives to the Kerr hypothesis have been discussed with possible dark components. Numerical studies have revealed that periapsis shifts in the nonstandard scenarios can be very different.

Tomohiro Harada

The principled-parameterized approach to gravitational collapse

Go beyond radial null trajectories, spherical symmetry + iterative approach

Heloise Delaporte

Charges in spacetimes with string singularities

One of the most beautiful results of mathematical physics is the deep connection between global symmetries and conserved quantities, which Emmy Noether elegantly established one century ago

Diego Hidalgo

Horizon entropy from causal set theory

It is, by now, one of the best know facts about black holes that they have an associated entropy, following an area law: S ∝ A

Joshua Jones

A dynamical formulation of ghost-free massive gravity

We present a dynamical formulation of ghost-free massive gravity with a flat reference metric and an arbitrary combination of the minimal and next-to minimal mass terms...

Jan Kozuszek

Testing EMDA gravity with observed shadows

Einstein Maxwell dilaton axion gravity (EMDA) arises in the low-energy effective action of superstring theories...

Siddharth Kumar Sahoo

Simulating scalarized black holes in SpECTRE

The increasing availability of gravitational wave (GW) observations by the LVK Collaboration promises to deliver the stringiest tests of gravity in the strong field regime...

Guillermo Lara

Ringdown analysis of spinning black holes beyond General Relativity

The final phase of a binary black hole merger, called the ringdown, is when the newly formed and still perturbed black hole settles and emits gravitational waves with specific frequencies corresponding to its quasinormal modes (QNMs).

Simon Maenaut

Dynamics of nonlinear scalar field with Robin BC in SAdS and RNAdS

We study the dynamics of the conformal cubic scalar field on a Schwarzschild–anti–de Sitter background where our main focus is understanding how it depends on the size of the black hole rH and the Robin boundary condition b

Maciej Maliborsk

Surrogate waveforms models for Proca star mergers from numerical relativity

The study concludes that surrogate waveform models are effective tools for the rapid and accurate prediction of gravitational waves from ECO mergers, such as those involving Proca stars...

Ana Lorenzo Medina

Thermodynamics of quantum Schwarzschild geometries

The description of black hole space-times in terms of coherent states is a current topic of research, we have several results including space-times with charged and slowly rotating black holes, and black holes in background with cosmological...

Pedro Meert

Universality of black hole thermodynamics

The universal thermodynamical behavior of black holes is often attributed to the presence of a horizon in the black hole geometry...

Madhur Mehta

Wave function of the universe in the presence of trans-Planckian censorship

The wave function for a closed de Sitter universe has been computed, demanding consistency with the recently proposed Trans-Planckian Censorship Conjecture (TCC). We extend the Einstein-Hilbert action to contain a complex-valued term...

Vikramaditya Mondal

Quantum backreactions and holographic c-theorems in AdS3 massive gravity

We construct higher-curvature gravities in D = 3 at a special point so that admit holographic c-theorems and exhibit a unique vacuum, at arbitrary order n in the curvature...

Javier Moreno

Resonant excitation of quasinormal modes of black holes

QNM frequencies ωmn and excitation factors Bmn depend solely on mass and spin of BHs, and hence play a central role in the black hole spectroscopy program. We elucidate that a distinctive resonant excitation between QNMs of black holes...

Hayato Motohashi

Gravastar with thermal radiation

Thermal radiation could arise in spacetime without any horizons...

Kazumasa Okabayashi

A Black hole ringing and its universality

We here discuss a novel model of ringdown amplitude by utilizing the greybody factor or reflectivity of a BH...

Naritaka Oshita

Surface gravity of dynamical horizons

A good formulation of dynamical surface gravity is crucial for studying non-equilibrium black hole thermodynamics...

Anamika Pathak

Binary mergers in strong gravity background of Kerr black hole

Binary-black-hole (BBH) mergers can take place close to a supermassive black hole (SMBH) while being in a bound orbit around the SMBH. Here we study such bound triple systems and show that including the strong gravity effects...

Daniele Pica

Black holes as wave optics GW lenses

We plot the total wave amplitude at the observer, for a hypothetical LISA band system in circular orbit. We display two different configurations...

Martin Pijnenburg

Lense-Thirring precession in Kerr-MOG black hole

We compute the Lense-Thirring (LT) precession frequency to differentiate the extremal black hole (BH), non-extremal BH and naked singularity (NS) in scalar-tensor-vector gravity (STVG) or modi- fied gravity (MOG).

Parthapratim Pradhan

News from horizons in binary black hole mergers

The multipolar structure of gravitational fields at I + is correlated with that at the DH...

Vaishak Prasad

Modeling ringdown nonlinearities

Is the ringdown fully described by linear perturbation theory ?

Jaime Redondo-Yuste

Radiation reaction in weakly magnetized black holes

In Kerr black holes, will we see floating orbits?

João Santos

Exploring axions through the photon ring of a black hole

This study investigates photon axion conversion in the spacetime surrounding a black hole. Photons spend time near the photon sphere, converting them into axions and decreasing the intensity of the black hole’s photon ring...

Subhadip Sau

The legacy of boson clouds on black hole binaries

Black hole (BH) environments form a promising avenue to search for new physics with gravitational waves (GWs). An example are clouds of ultralight bosons. These are formed through superradiance when the coupling...

Thomas Spieksma

Testing GR with photon rings

EHT images of M87* are compatible with GR, but do not exclude alternative black holes. It is then justified to predict the observable deviations from a Kerr black hole...

Irene Urso

The ringdown of black hole mimickers

In a complete theory of gravity we expect spacetime singularities to be regularized by quantum effects. There are basically two possible alternatives to singular black holes to describe the ultra-compact objects that we see in the sky...

Vania Vellucci

Discovering exotic objects and physics with gravitational waves

We focus on the gravitational waves emitted after a binary merger has formed a single perturbed object, and search LIGO data using Bayesian parameter estimation...

Julian Westerweck

Vorticity in black holes

Vorticity is an intrinsic property of close-to-maximally spinning black holes. If true, macroscopic consequences can follow...

Michael Zantedeschi

BHIO: singularity or complementarity?

Singularity theorem: any matter system controlled by general relativity and strong energy condition must evolve to or from configurations with trapped surface and finite affine length light-like geodesics (FALL)...

Dingfang Zeng