New partnership with Brazilian funding agency CNPq

Senior postdoctoral fellow in the Strong group, Rodrigo Panosso Macedo, has successfully established an international collaborative network in partnership with the Brazilian funding agency CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development).
The agreement aims to foster the internationalization of Brazilian universities by strengthening their collaboration with the Strong group. As part of this initiative, we will be hosting PhD students from Prof Mauricio Richartz (UFABC-São Paulo) and Prof Caio Macedo (UFPA - Pará). Additionally, together with Prof. Caio Macedo and collaborators, Rodrigo will be organizing a specialized school and offering courses at UFPA – Campus Salinópolis.
This initiative is set to bring the latest advancements in black hole and gravitational wave physics to students in the northern region of Brazil.
Nov. 14, 2023, 8:18 p.m.