Partnership between Strong and CNPq

Over the past months, the Strong Group hosted Mateus Malato from the Federal University of Pará (Belém-PA, Brazil), along with Pedro Croti and Lucas Tobias from the Federal University of ABC (São Paulo-SP, Brazil). Collaborating with Rodrigo Panosso Macedo and Vitor Cardoso, the trio visited the NBI as part of a partnership program between the Strong Group and the Brazilian funding agency CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development). Mateus also received support from Capes (Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education), while Pedro and Lucas received further support from FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation). After experiencing a Danish summer that felt colder than a Brazilian winter—and working on both “hot” and “cool” topics in black hole spectroscopy—they now escape the Nordic darkness and return to the summer of the southern hemisphere, with doors open for further collaboration.
Nov. 8, 2024, 1:43 p.m.